This event is important to all ICT practitioners and investors in Kenya. This is because Rwanda was developing its ICT industry before its regional neighbours had an inkling of the potential and competitive edge ICT gives nations. Rwanda has a knowledge-based economy that is only matched in the region by Mauritius.
The dot-com tuned President of the country - Paul Kagame - initiated the whole process when his ideas were actualised through the Vision 2020 which was launched in 2000. It focused on IT as a crucial cornerstone for future development. This is similar to our Vision 2030 which I believe should have been formulated much earlier. Contrast this with Mauritius whose Ministry of Information and Communication was busy with ICT policy formulation, implementation and physical development in 1997 (you can blame this delay on our asinine politics).
Anyway Kagame’s confidence and steely determination was remarkable when you consider he was pushing this new approach against a backdrop of national recovery from the genocide trauma.
His vision had logic stamped on it. With no port access, expensive airfreight rates and instability around it, Rwanda needed a new kind of economy. It chose the knowledge economy.
Much has been achieved. In January 2007 Kagame informed fellow heads of state, at the 8th African Union summit, that the country had set its science and technology spending at 1.6 percent of GDP. This is comparable to the OECD countries. Other developments include the building of telecentres, computerisation of primary and secondary schools, a $10 million e-Government project and continued investment in the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).
ICT has transformed Rwanda. The Economist recently reported that Rwanda is well on its way to achieving several of the Millennium Development Goals due to the impact ICT has had on this emerging economy. With substantial business process redesign, government support and focused leadership, Rwanda has demonstrated to East Africa that much can be accomplished when ICT is used as an engine for development. However this feat is not unique to Rwanda. It was achieved earlier by Mauritius where its ability to harness ICT has enabled it achieve one of the highest GDP per capita rates in Africa.
Kenya has obviously heard the rumble of the digital tsunami. We have embarked on various ICT projects and more crucially we have recognised that the future will demand a knowledge economy. It is in our interest to work closely with Rwanda now that they are part of the EAC. There are many opportunities for mutual co-operation in ICT and it would be negligible if we did not exploit this opportunity now. Student exchange programs should be initiated, the respective Chambers of Commerce should meet with the aim of promoting ICT trade and ICT practitioners from both countries should work together to develop locally based software.
The opportunities are endless and I will soon be inviting Dr. Shem Ochuodho to furnish us with a comprehensive outline on how we can work more closely with our Rwandese brothers - with the aim of further developing our local burgeoning ICT industry.
I concur with you Ben, our mutual interests stand will be strengthened if we only put our heads together. Student exchanges, technology transfer,BPOs... the list is endless.
On another front,Kenya is also making some impressive steps towards improving the IT infrastructure. Soon i will have a fiber(spearheaded by KDN) running right through my residential estate. I am only hoping it will be easily accessible.
Thank you for your comment Nico. Africa has very low intra-country trade and it would really help if we developed more business ties with our neighbours. About the fiber I am confident the ISP's will not ignore home consumers, there are only so many corporates they can chase.
I absolutely agree with you guys. Kenya has been messed up with self seeking politics but there is a lot of potential. There is a lot that ICT can do to reduce poverty and increase rate of economy growth. With the current government initiative towards connecting towns using fibre, we should start thinking of content to be carried in the fibre.
Thank you Ben for your comment. I will be posting an article that concentrates on local content soon. That is the only way to go and opportunities are endless...just imagine local content in our indigenous languages!
Hello Blogger,
I would first like to commend you on your spirit of bloggery ! Keep it up, However i would like to know if you would be interested in writing for our monthly magazine (The Index Magazine)- East African's Premier ICT Magazine due to be launched in the month of July 2008.
Check out the online edition that will also be launched around the same time as the magazine.
Issa Jr.
Hi Kainamura,
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog. I also appreciate your words of encouragement and comments.
I would be honoured to write for The Index Magazine. I have perused through the online version and would wish to be associated with your project.
I believe in the wider East African community and your regional footprint is laudable. We can learn alot from one another and The Index can be the gel that binds ICT professionals in this region.
Please reply using bmkioni@yahoo.co.uk.
Otherwise have a blessed time.
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