Thursday, August 07, 2008


On Wednesday I was delighted to hear from Dr. Shem Ochuodho. I have always acknowledged our local ICT gurus and Shem is right up there, at the apex. Below are his comments (sent to my email address) which I reproduce with kind permission. Asante Shem.

Rwanda: the ICT Tiger
Wednesday, 6 August, 2008

Ben and Other Patriots,

Just spotted the blog.

You've said it right. Kenya is a sleeping giant. Strong private sector, and excellent human capital. Only leadership is doing Kenya in. Let's hope Rwanda will serve as an inspiration, and the leadership dilemma in Kenya gets sorted out one day.

And thanks for the kind words.


Όstalgia said...

Kenya is not just sleeping, its snoring so loudly the neighbors cant even doze off... guess when we wake up, they will be miles ahead.

Benson Muthoga Kioni said...

Thank you for your comment ostalgia, I guess that is what is meant by letting sleeping dogs lie!!!